What would cause a beer industry professional to quit drinking? Here’s my experience with the process of cutting alcohol out of my life.
Tag: beer
Three Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Packaged Beer
While it’s simple to pick up beer at a local bottle shop, there are three easy mistakes that can make the difference between leaving with fresh, high-quality beer or old, stale beer. Have you made any of these mistakes before?
Is the Trappist® Beer Designation Important?
Have you ever wondered what the deal is with Trappist® breweries? What sets them apart from commercial breweries, and are they worth the hype? Find out here!
Should Contract Brewing Be Made Illegal?
Does contract brewing deserve the criticism it receives? Let’s cut into the pros and cons of the practice and whether or not it’s positive for the industry!
Should You Drink Beer Out of a Frosted Glass?
Have you ever been served beer out of a frosted glass and wondered whether or not it’s beneficial to the experience? Today’s post tackles that very question!
The Forgotten Fifth Ingredient: Carbonation
After writing about nucleation points, I began pondering carbonation as a whole. Typically we laud water, barley, hops, and yeast as stars of the show while CO2 remains a silent partner – why is that? What would beer be without carbonation – those tiny bubbles of joy dancing on our palates? Although it would be […]
What in the World (of Beer) is a Nucleation Point?
If you’ve been around beer nerds for any period of time, you’ve likely heard the term “nucleation point” thrown around, but what does it actually mean, and how does it impact your drinking experience? To give us a starting point, let’s look at Encyclopedia Britannica’s definition of nucleation: “nucleation, the initial process that occurs in […]
A Beautiful Reminder of the Craft Beer Community
If you’re part of the craft beer industry or a passionate participant in the scene, you likely didn’t join solely because of the beverage. For me, I entered the space because of the incredible community, dedication to innovation, and sense of history – in essence, being part of something bigger than myself. Unsurprisingly, the past […]
Three Reasons to Send Your Beer Back
Previously I discussed three beer pouring mistakes bartenders should aim to avoid, but as a customer, how can you tell if you’re served a beverage that shouldn’t be consumed? Here are three reasons to send your beer back…
How to Elevate the Taster Tray
Are taster trays the unsung hero or corrupting plague of today’s breweries? Even if you’re in the camp of hating taster trays, it’s hard to ignore what they can bring to your establishment – as such, I want to discuss three improvements to make a good thing even better…